About Us

The Koori Mail where knowledge is exchanged, culture is shared, the Country comes together and is connected keeping the Voice of Indigenous Australia —strong, proud and relevant. 
Artwork by Riki Salam. We Are 27 Creative

About Koori Mail

Established in May 1991, the Koori Mail is a fortnightly national newspaper reporting on the issues that matter to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We give Indigenous Australians a voice missing in the mainstream media.

The Koori Mail is and has always been 100% Aboriginal owned. We’re a proprietary limited company based in Lismore, northern NSW, wholly owned by five Bundjalung Aboriginal community organisations: Bundjalung Tribal Society at Lismore; Bunjum Co-operative at Cabbage Tree Island; Buyinbin Co-operative at Casino; Kurrachee Cooperative  at Coraki; and Nungera Co-operative  at Maclean.

Every cent of our profits goes to Indigenous Australians, in the form of dividends for our owner organisations, scholarships for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, and sponsorship of Indigenous community events.

The Koori Mail has about a dozen staff, several general and sports columnists, and a network of correspondents and contributors from throughout the country.

As illustrated by our 2011 Newspaper of the Year award (PANPA Awards, non-dailies with a circulation of up to 10,000), we have a reputation for excellence.

Since May 2011, the Koori Mail’s back archive has been available free-of-charge and fully searchable though the website of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS). This has been our gift to the nation.

Our Board


Meet our Board

Meet the Koori Mail Board. Each of the Directors represents one of the Aboriginal organisations that share ownership of the Koori Mail. These five organisations, all equal shareholders, are:

  • Bunjum Co-operative (Cabbage Tree Island)
  • Buyinbin Inc (Casino)
  • Kurrachee Co-operative (Coraki)
  • Bundjalung Tribal Society (Lismore) and
  • Nungera Co-operative (Maclean).

These are all centres in Bundjalung Country on the north coast of New South Wales.

Our Staff

Meet our Staff:


Cultural Lead: Rhoda Roberts rhoda@koorimail.com
Business & Operations Manager: Susan Andrews susan@koorimail.com
Subscriptions Monica Cicchinelli subs@koorimail.com


Editor Darren Coyne editor@koorimail.com
Journalist Darren Coyne darrenc@koorimail.com


Advertising: Amy Shaw amy@koorimail.com
Web Ads: Catherine Hunt cath@koorimail.com

Our History


Produced fortnightly, the Koori Mail is distributed Australia-wide, providing news, views, advertisements and other material of vital interest to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and Australians interested in Indigenous affairs.

We’ve been doing this since 1991, and the newspaper has grown to the point where it is recognised as ‘The Voice of Indigenous Australia’.

The Koori Mail is not just a successful national publication – it’s also a true Aboriginal success story. The newspaper is owned jointly by five small Aboriginal organisations in Bundjalung country, on the far north coast of New South Wales. Every cent of profit made by the newspaper goes to Indigenous Australians – in the form of dividends, sponsorships or scholarships to help our people.

The Koori Mail averages more than 100,000 readers each fortnight, according to McNair Ingenuity Research. And our audited circulation is more than 9200 copies each fortnight (ABC audit).

This website is designed to give you just a taste of what our latest edition offers. Please feel free to contact us with your comments, ideas or if you would like to join our growing number of subscribers.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the original or first Australians. They are culturally and linguistically diverse.

Historically, Aboriginal people have lived on mainland Australia, Tasmania and some offshore islands such as the Northern Territory’s Tiwi Islands.

Torres Strait Islanders come from the islands of the Torres Strait, the body of water between the tip of Cape York in the state of Queensland and Papua New Guinea.

At the time of European arrival in the late 18th century, up to one million Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people inhabited Australia. They spoke about 250 distinct languages and had complex social systems and highly developed traditions reflecting their deep connection with the land and sea.

Today, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people live throughout Australia, in major cities, regional towns, remote and very remote areas. According to the 2011 Census conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, almost 550,000 Australians identified as being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. Of these, 172,000 were in New South Wales, 156,000 were in Queensland, 70,000 were in Western Australia, almost 57,000 were in the Northern Territory, 38,000 were in Victoria, just over 30,000 in South Australia, almost 20,000 in Tasmania, and just over 5000 in the Australian Capital Territory.


Contact Us

Get in touch

Koori Mail
PO Box 117
Lismore NSW 2480

ABN 19053994915

Phone: +61 (0)2 66 222 666
Fax: +61 (0)2 66 222 600
Accounts: accounts@koorimail.com
Editorial: editor@koorimail.com
Advertising: advertising@koorimail.com

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