Upcoming Advertising Deadline
The Koori Mail is published fortnightly, on a Wednesday. You can check particular deadlines by viewing our Publication Dates and Advertising Deadlines in the link below.
Bookings for advertising close at 5pm on the Wednesday prior to publication, and all material should be received by 5pm on the Thursday prior to publication. Please liaise with our Advertising Department advertising@koorimail.com (phone 02 66 222 666) if you need a time extension.
For current publication and deadline dates, please click here
Advertising Formats
Printed Ad Formats
Page & Column Sizes:
Koori Mail is a seven-column newspaper. Our printable area is 38cm deep x 26cm wide.
2 cols = 72.5mm wide
3 cols = 110mm wide
4 cols = 147.5mm wide
5 cols = 185mm wide
7 cols = 260mm wide
Depth is in 10mm increments.
The minimum column size for ads is 2 columns wide.
1 column and 6 column ads are not available for advertising.
Digital Ads
Submitting Ads
Submitting Print Ads
Submitting your text for an ad:
If you would like to advertise in the Koori Mail please email us your text for the ad as an MS Word document with any logos you may want on the ad as attachments.
We will format the ad and send you back a no-obligation proof and quote.
Print ready artwork as a PDF:
Print Ready Artwork is to be supplied as a high resolution PDF file. All PDFs must have the fonts embedded, and any spot colours and process colours in the file must be saved as CMYK.
email advertising@koorimail.com.
If you need further information, contact Amy in the Advertising Department on 02 66 222 666.
Submitting Online Job Web Ads
To place a job or general web ad on the Koori Mail Website all we require is the URL link to the position on your website or another website eg SEEK etc, job web ads can be uploaded on any day of the week, the cost for a single web ad is $200 GST EX there is a 10% cost reduction for multiple web ads.
For further information or to place an ad on our website contact Stuart via email webads@koorimail.com
Advertising Rates
The casual rate for advertising in the Koori Mail is $18.00 (+GST) per column centimetre
At The Koori Mail we will accept ads in any size up to 32cm deep (all ads must then go to the full 38cm) or in widths of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7 cols. We do not accept ads over single column and we discourage 6 column widths.
For more information, Advertising Department on (02) 66 222 666 or email advertising@koorimail.com.
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