Custodial Care by Ella Noah Bancroft and Kirilly Dawn - EPISODE 6

Episode 6 with Aunty Jackie Laurie and Wayne King

In Episode 6 of Custodial Care, Ella yarns with Aunty Jackie Laurie and Wayne King who were integral to the smooth operations at the Koori Mail Flood Hub after the devastating floods in the Northern Rivers region, February 2022. Here they volunteered day in, day out throughout 2022, unpacking, managing and distributing the thousands of donations that arrived daily. They helped coordinate the Koori Kitchen that fed thousands of tired and hungry flood victims and volunteers for free. The Koori Kitchen became a place not just about food but also a safe place for tired, vulnerable people, for elders and for people seeking community and connection. Jackie is a Bundjalung and Yaegl woman and Wayne is a born and bred Widjabul Wia-bul, Bundjalung man, they are first cousins, and they are very funny together. In this interview you can hear how their comedic relationship spread joy, humour and energy at the Koori Mail Flood Hub during the very tiring and difficult months of relentless work after the floods of 2022.

In Episode 6 of Custodial Care, Ella yarns with Aunty Jackie Laurie and Wayne King who were integral to the smooth operations at the Koori Mail Flood Hub after the devastating floods in the Northern Rivers region, February 2022.



Custodial Care by Ella Noah Bancroft and Kirilly Dawn

Custodial Care is a fortnightly podcast hosted by Kirilly Dawn, a Barkindji woman, doula and embodiment practitioner and Ella Noah Bancroft, Bundjalung women, activist, writer/speaker and founder of The Returning Indigneous Charity. Each podcast features Ella and Kirilly interviewing Indigenous people who will include elders, academics, activists, grassroots organisers, community members, leaders, experts in our culture not in western culture and many more about “ Custodial Care" on this planet. An in depth understanding of Indigenous ways of caring for country, community and self through a modern lense that honours and incorporates the old ways of our ancestors. An Indigenous led podcast that shares sustainable practices and problems we face as an Indigneous community around climate action and change.